Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Big Data using Python (MIT Hackathon)
In the following project, Big Data stored in .LAS Data set which were collected by scanning Walker hill site in the Arizona forest by Ironwood Forestry LLC, was visualized and analyzed. The goal was to visualize and analyze the data set of stored in .LAS file format which can be quantified as millions of points. Generally, softwares like LiDAR360,Vision LiDAR, etc are used to visualize such file formats. However, I intended to develop simple and efficient code which could handle such large data easily and provides output in less time.The code should not only organize data in tabular manner but also it was to be converted to graphical image for better understanding analysis. This code proved to handle both the tasks effectively. The specific application of this was that it would help in better planning of forest fire management in the Arizona.